• News

            • New School Year 2020-21

            • New Normal - Virtiual Class rooms.

              02 July 2020

              Dear Parents ,


              Greetings form GMIS Semarang.


              First and foremost , I hope you and your family are safe and healthy. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding as we have been adjusting, like you, to the changes in life during the past three months. I am extremely appreciative of our students, parents, teachers, staff and supervisors for their positivity, flexibility and resilience during these trying times.

              In the present times of Coronavirus , the African Quote It takes the entire village to teach a child becomes even more meaningful, as the Schools , Teachers , Parents and all stakeholders to work together to help the child continue learning through these difficult times. As we are in phase of ‘Making Peace with Covid 19, starting new school year is a challenge , which we have accepted as we know that parents are always willing to lend a helping hand.

              New School Year

              School new Academic year is planned to start from 6th July for teachers and 8th July for students. As per the advice from the relevant authorities , it is not the right time to open school for face to face learning as it used to be before pandemic. With the guidance from GMIS schools in Jakarta and Bali , we have decided to start the school virtually from 8th July , with regular online classes . The time table is prepared and shared with all students and parents through EduPage App. In case of any difficulty during online class , students may be allowed to come to school ( one to one basis ) for any help from subject teacher, with prior appointment. We will be further streamlining these online classes , after receiving parent’s feedback . Our goal is to eliminate as much stress as possible for students, parents and teachers.

              Uniform & Text Books

              School text books have been ordered and are expected in school before 10th July , except for few titles from UK , which as informed to us by Oxford University Press , may be delayed till next month. Student Uniforms are also available in School Campus. Text book list has been already shared with you by class teachers. We will be inviting you to pick the uniform and the text books from school , after 10th of July.

              Face to face orientations

              This month from 27th to 30th  July, we have planned to organize face to face orientation sessions, in school for students and parents. They will be conducted in small groups , keeping and following the prevailing protocols because of Covid 19. The detail schedule  will be shared with you  by the class teacher.

              We have been working throughout this period and preparing everything for the new academic year, and are just waiting for government instructions to reopen. In case of any further information / discussions needed , you are welcome to speak to us at school.


              We thank you for showing faith in GMIS Semarang.

              Stay healthy . Stay Strong .



              Suresh Arora

              For GMIS Semarang.

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